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DLD Books​

Pub Date: September 7, 2024


What Should Not Remain Silent

If he had been so inclined, Thomas Jefferson might have written: “In the course of human events, there are occasions when men and women of good conscience are compelled to put pen to paper to record the moments in their lives that move them. For in those moments lies the substance of their times, and by extension, the fabric of the world in which they live.”

The author, Anthony R. Candela, felt so compelled. This book represents a sampling of moments in his life between June 2021 and April 2024 and the essays he felt compelled to write about them. The pieces in this book illustrate his reactions to a wide variety of issues during that period in our history. In most cases, he attempted to reflect the wider picture or themes those reactions represent, connecting them to world events and general trends.

Grateful for the encouragement, advice, and assistance he received from various people during the writing, editing, and production process, the author saves his greatest appreciation for the world out there. For good or for ill, it is the world, he says, that continually keeps things interesting enough to “raise my dander on some occasions and capture my heart on others.” Through pandemic and politics, Tony Candela was motivated to keep on writing. This ample compilation is the result of his desire to share his thoughts with you.


Description of the cover for blind and visually impaired readers:
In black and white on the gray cover are the three well–known monkey figures, with their hands over their eyes, ears, or mouth, that symbolize the maxim “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” The title letters are red with a white outer glow around them, and the author's name is at the bottom in black, also with a white outer glow. 

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